
(re)Generative Business Design

Circular models change the pattern of product and material flows in the economy, sometimes redrawing the contours of a company's value chain. In so doing, they can reduce the negative environmental side-effects resulting from the extraction, use and eventual disposal of natural resources and materials.

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lifecycle value chain scoping

To prepare, audit and formalize the elements needed for internal teams to work together on circularity projects.

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regen BMC design

To run workshops to explore, prioritize and clearly define the challenges for circularity projects.

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transition tactics

Pour consolider le travail collectif, identifier les opportunités d’interventions en amont/aval de la chaîne de valeur et formuler un plan d’action.

Upgrade your opering model

A systemic approach (flow, material, use, regulation) and a 360° approach to a value model also enable us to grasp a number of opportunities to lead our projects and businesses towards greater environmental efficiency. Rules and regulations within CSR field will increasingly pressure your operatin model and carve talent attractivity.

Don't dream it. Be it

Moving to a more sustainable work and acting for corporate transition and transformation starts with human-centric design and social behaviours.