
Sparkling Innovation

A "start-up" approach enables you to rapidly model a business model and its prototype to present the concept of a new product or service, while minimizing investment costs. This offer models the information and materials needed to make rapid, informed decisions, avoiding the commitment bias common to longer projects. The system offers the freedom to test several hypotheses, abandoning the least promising and iterating or pivoting on the most promising avenues.

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team builder

Best innovation programs are deliverd by the A-teams on your companies those that can build trust/challenge betwen each other.

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Among the 200+ programs we've been involved in we learned that the more you integrate stakeholders the faster the return will be

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We like to say that the biggest challenges and gifts comes when you start hitting the ground running.

Spark Your Innovation Plan with Us

The secret for successful creation of a "nugget of value" lies in the pace of production, the right measure of the essential, and the dynamics of a team that can operate freely in a secure innovation space/time.

Gain new perspectives

Quickly ship a tangible concept to test a solution selected by your stakeholders.