
BtoC database strategy : Building Data strategy to grow the customer acquisition.
new ways of doing

Context of the mission

EDF has a large amount of highly structured customer data from SAP.

SAP is not the most suitable application to offer an omni-channel experience, because it is not entirely designed to exploit and activate the many additional channels that have appeared in the digital customer experience (websites, mobile applications, chatbots, etc.). The application also presents risks with regard to the problem of contamination with the TRV customer file.


The challenge for EDF is to develop reference data on its prospects (without cross-referencing with FIT customers), outside of SAP, that is exhaustive and available in real time. 

Methodologies & deliverables

- Research and analysis of business uses, data processes and tools.

- Co-construction of business processes with the marketing, data, IT and specific market BUs.

Results and achievements

A diagnosis of the data assets, the functioning description of the uses and methods specific to each of the EDF BUs impacted by the evolutions of the energy market.

- Building a common BtoC conquest strategy for all BUs.

- Setting up a data driven organization, including governance and architecture.